The Corona pandemic has been blamable for lots of challenges, but MBS is heading for a bright future: at the start of a new year of apprenticeship, 10 new trainees are on board:

Back (from left to right): Anny Huang, Christopher Schäfer and Stefan Cordes.

Front (from left to right): Leonie Sedlmair, Cora Kallenbach, Zlata Tikhomirova, Penelope Segat, Hannah Leeb, Daphne Wenning and Fanny Hellert.

We are excited to partake the first step in the career of our new colleagues and cannot wait to see their fresh and inspiring ideas.

Penelope and Daphne, businesswomen for marketing communication in the making, will demonstrate their talent for organisation while planning and developing upcoming projects.

Our emerging media designers Anny and Zlata are going to learn everything about a graphicer’s craftmanship. Anny will start in media production, Slata in the agency – both of them will change their position later in their education.

Putting the focus on fashion-, people- and image-shots will be the upcoming job for Stefan, Christopher, Fanny and Hannah.

The perfect setting will soon be created by Leonie and Cora, who immerse themselves in the exciting world of product staging, while being a part of the styling team as designers for visual marketing.